When business is booming and we are slammed–it’s easy to forget the basics. We tend to forget that there was ever a lean time. We can become complacent, especially with things that aren’t “immediate” needs.
Would you ever not pay your phone bill? Your internet bill? Of course not.
But we’ve all dialed back our ad spend, skipped a few networking events, and decided not to attend this or that because we are busy and we don’t need more business right now.
It’s slow at first… We may lose a client or two. Maybe a good business relationship starts to have some cracks in it because we aren’t nurturing it. And then next thing we know it impacts our bottom line. Only then do we start paying attention once again.
Marketing is for your business what oxygen is for your lungs. It’s one of the essential ingredients of life for a business.
I know you and your team are killing it right now. Supply is low, demand is high, money is free. Now is the time to press your advantage. When the fire is burning red and hot you don’t quit throwing charcoal on top… You throw more.
Your business cards are ineffective trashcan fillers. BizGift™ cards are effective memory makers.
Press your advantage with custom business + gift cards today.