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July 25, 2022
3 min read time

Poll: How Much Do You Spend on Client Acquisition?

In the realm of business development, the initial phase of forging new client relationships—client acquisition—is critical. However, navigating this phase has become increasingly challenging and expensive over recent years. For industries like real estate, where personal connections and brand reputation are paramount, these rising costs are felt acutely.

Over the last six years, client acquisition costs have surged by over 60%, reflecting the growing expenses in marketing and client outreach efforts. This rise can be attributed to several factors, including more competitive markets, higher advertising fees, and the need for more sophisticated, digital marketing strategies that include social media, SEO, and content marketing. For us real estate agents, these costs are not just numbers; they directly impact our bottom line and operational strategies.

Currently, the average client acquisition cost for real estate professionals stands at approximately $213. This figure encapsulates the investment made to attract and secure a new client, covering aspects from initial marketing efforts to the final stages of client onboarding. It's a significant investment that highlights the importance of efficient and effective marketing strategies in our industry.

Given these dynamics, it’s crucial to understand how your own spending compares. Are you investing more, less, or about the same as the average in your client acquisition strategies? Understanding this can help you gauge the efficiency of your marketing efforts and provide insights into potential areas for cost optimization or investment.

We encourage you to participate in our quick poll to share how much you're currently spending on client acquisition. The collective results will not only give you an idea of where you stand in comparison to your peers but also shed light on broader industry trends.

By comparing these figures, we can all gain a better understanding of the landscape we navigate as real estate professionals and potentially uncover new strategies to enhance our client acquisition processes, making them more cost-effective and impactful. Your participation is invaluable and will contribute to a richer, more comprehensive understanding of current practices.

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Our Results:

How Much Do You Spend on Client Acquisition