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August 21, 2023
3 min read time

Traditional Gift Cards: Time for a Modern Makeover?

In a world full of choice and customization, traditional gift cards to employees and clients often fall flat. While the gesture is well-intentioned, these cards come with a host of challenges that can make them feel less like a thoughtful gift and more like a missed opportunity. Here's why:

Guessing Games:

When you offer a gift card, you're essentially playing a guessing game about the brands or services your employees and clients might like. The danger? You might miss the mark, leaving the card unused or less appreciated.

Pay Now, Regardless:

With traditional gift cards, you're on the hook for the full value the moment you purchase it, even if the card goes unused.

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Is It Being Used?

Once you give a gift card, there’s no feedback loop. It enters a black hole where you'll never know if it brought a smile to your employee's face or if it's just collecting dust in a drawer.

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Lack of Personalization:

Standard gift cards lack a personal touch. They're often generic, devoid of any design or message that could make your employee feel genuinely valued.

The Extra To-Do:

Want to give a gift card? Prepare for a shopping expedition to get your hands on one. It's an added chore, especially during busy seasons.

Vanishing Value:

Studies indicate up to 46% of gift cards go unused. They're easily misplaced, forgotten, or the brand may not resonate with the recipient's needs or tastes.

Hidden Costs:

Some gift cards come with maintenance fees or expiration dates, gradually chipping away at their value if they're not used quickly.

Lack of Flexibility:

Once you've chosen a brand for the gift card, there's no going back. The recipient is stuck with that choice, whether it aligns with their preferences or not.

But, There's Hope on the Horizon: Enter BizGift

If these pitfalls have you second-guessing the classic gift card gesture, don’t fret. BizGift offers a contemporary solution tailored for today's discerning gift giver and receiver. Instead of being bound by the restrictions of traditional gift cards, with BizGift:

  • You Only Pay for Activated Gifts: Say goodbye to upfront costs for unused gifts.
  • Customizable Designs: Make each gift memorable with personalized designs.
  • Flexibility in Choice: Recipients get the freedom to choose from a plethora of national brands, ensuring they always get what they want.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Know when your gift is Activated and Redeemed, ensuring transparency and satisfaction on both ends.

In essence, BizGift combines the convenience of gift cards with the personal touch and flexibility that today's employees and clients desire. It's not just a gift; it's an experience—a modern solution for a modern workforce.

So, the next time you’re thinking of showing appreciation, skip the outdated gift card aisle and opt for a fresh, flexible, and efficient gifting experience with BizGift.

Get started now!