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February 22, 2024
3 min read time

Trending Ways to Appreciate Employees This March 1st

Employee Appreciation Day is just around the corner, and it's the perfect time to show your team how much you value their hard work and dedication. As we approach March 1st, consider these trending ways to express your gratitude and make your employees feel truly appreciated.

Host a Virtual Recognition Event

In today’s hybrid work environment, a virtual recognition event can bring your team together, no matter where they are. Organize an online ceremony to highlight individual and team achievements, share heartfelt messages from leadership, and perhaps include some live entertainment.

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Personalized Thank You Notes

Sometimes, a simple gesture can make a big impact. Personalized thank you notes, whether digital or handwritten, can show your employees that you notice and appreciate their unique contributions.

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Professional Development Opportunities

Offering opportunities for professional growth is a powerful way to appreciate your employees. Gift them tickets to a virtual conference, access to online courses, or workshops that align with their career goals.

Wellness Packages

Employee well-being is more important than ever. Curate wellness packages that could include items like stress balls, herbal teas, personalized water bottles, or even subscriptions to meditation apps.

Team Lunch or Happy Hour

Whether in-person or through individual meal delivery vouchers, organizing a team lunch or happy hour allows everyone to take a break and enjoy some casual bonding time.

Social Media Shoutouts

Celebrate your team publicly by giving them a shoutout on your company’s social media pages. Highlighting their hard work for all to see adds an extra layer of recognition.

Flexible Day Off

Giving employees an extra day off to relax and recharge can be an incredibly appreciated gesture. It shows you care about their work-life balance and personal time.

As Employee Appreciation Day Approaches...

Remember, the essence of this day is to make your employees feel valued and appreciated. As you consider these trending appreciation methods, know that the most impactful gestures are those that come from understanding your team’s unique needs and preferences.

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And for those looking to streamline their appreciation efforts, BizGift offers a versatile solution. Whether it’s for Employee Appreciation Day or any other occasion, our platform allows you to effortlessly send personalized gift options to your team, ensuring everyone receives something they truly value.

See how companies are using BizGift to appreciate their team!

This Employee Appreciation Day, take the opportunity to show your employees the recognition they deserve in creative and meaningful ways.