Ready to get BizGift™, but not sure how to use them?
No problem! Read what others are doing with their BizGift™ cards below…
1. Thank You Gifts

BizGift™ cards make great thank you gifts. There is really something unique about gifting a fully-customized and branded gift card. Treating someone to a nice dinner out on the town with their loved ones is a sure fire way to be remembered. Go ahead load $50 on one of your BizGift™ cards and mail it directly to your client using your portal located in your dashboard. Click here to learn how to “load your cards”.
2. Prospecting

Want to stand out from everyone else? Use low-value BizGift™ cards (we recommend $5-$15 depending on the situation) as prospecting cards. One of the most amazing things about BizGift™ is that these cards never get thrown away. They’re thick, plastic, valuable, and oh so memorable. If you’re ready to step up your networking game… Start giving out BizGift™ cards today.
3. Holiday Gifts

It’s hard to come up with a special gift for every one of your clients, vendors, and partners. BizGift™ makes this really easy for you. Give the gift of an experience to your valued business contacts. You don’t even have to handle the cards, we can ship them directly to your clients for you. Curious how our fulfillment process works? Click here.
4. Closing Gifts

You’ve done a great job for your client. You want to thank them for working with you. After all the craziness that is buying a house–give them the gift of a night off. They deserve it, and they’ll be forever grateful to you for it.
5. To Generate more Referrals

A warm introduction gets you all that much closer to a closed deal and a new client. The issue with paper business cards is that they aren’t memorable. If you want to ensure that you’re top of mind with your clients whenever it comes time to refer you, give them a BizGift™ card.
6. In Your Closing Packet

BizGift™ is a great addition to your closing packets. Whether you’re selling insurance, cars, houses, HVAC units, pressure washing, painting, or any other product or service. Putting your BizGift™ cards with those materials is all that much more memorable.
7. Giveaways

Do you need something quick and easy to give away? BizGift™ cards make a great giveaway. We suggest loading $50-$100 on each card (depending on the situation). Best to order these cards in advance and keep them on hand for when the time arises.
8. Treat Yo’ Self

You work hard! Treat your self to a night out on the town. Take someone you love or simply take your lovely self. BizGift™ is an experience… Make sure you’re experiencing the magic yourself.